Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hold the Door!

Did you ever notice that people are in their own world when you are going in and out of buildings? We are so preoccupied with our lives that we don't even notice if there is someone right behind us or next to us.

It used to be that men held the door open for women, let women pass through first, especially if women had children in tow. The same is true for older people. It is respectful and polite to hold the door open for dear old granny. However, do you see that same granny holding the door open for anyone else? Hardly ever! And lately, if a woman is pushing a stroller, she can just forget it. More often than not, that person entering Macy's in front of you will let the door swing shut as you struggle to hold the door, push the stroller, and shepherd your 4 year old through the door. Is it really going to take time out your day to stop for 30 seconds and be courteous? Whenever someone holds the door for me, I thank them 2 or 3 times, making it seem like it was not necessary to hold the door. But you know, it really is necessary. Wouldn't you want the same done for you, or your mother, or your daughter?

And just the opposite, when you are leaving the store, the people coming out have the right of way! Let them exit before you barrel through. Hold the door for them! And they will do the same for you. this can be more of proper etiquette but it is just downright rude when you push in front of someone trying to exit the building. And it may be a mom with 2 kids and a stroller trying to get out. HOLD THE DOOR!

And men, just because we are in the 21st century and women are very independent and demand equality, you can still hold the door for them. It is the polite thing to do. Your granny would be proud!

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