Monday, April 13, 2009

Don't park there

I know I haven't posted in 5 months. I couldn't find the time to remember all the rude things that happened. And withg the holidays... well, let's just say that there were rude people all over the place. I was even one of them. I hated the holidays this year. I was awful. I was in a bad mood from Thanksgiving to New Years. But all that is behind me. It is spring. A time of new beginnings. Which I why I changed the name of this blog. Instead of writing about rude things. I want to share all of the unbelieveble things that I encounter. I just can't get over what some people do or say. Some things I experience firsthand, others I read about or watch on TV.

My older daughter goes to a preschool that is part of a church and that church is part of a retirement community and a nursing home. As you can imagine there are quite a few handicapped designated parking spaces in the parking lot.

School begins at 9AM. As you can also imagine, it can get pretty crazy at drop off time. Pick up time is not as rushed since a parent or caregiver can pick up the child anywhere between 12-1. At both drop off and pick up, people park in the handicapped spaces! Now, as far as I know, you can only park in one of those spaces if you have the correct ID on your license plate or if you have a tag hanging from the rearview mirror. There are moms with neither of those, who are in perfectly good health parking in a handicapped spot because it is convenient for them. Everyday, at pick up, there is a grandma who parks in the same handicapped spot. No license plate and no hang tag. EVER! I am completely offended that she would park in that spot AT A NURSING/ RETIREMENT HOME! Really now!

The same goes for people who park in the no parking zones in front of stores. Is it really that hard to park your car and walk? Even if it is just for a few minutes. I have 2 kids and believe me, I hate getting them out of the car, corraling the 5 year old so she doesn't run into the parking lot and hoisting all my bags and everything else and walking to the store because there wasn't a spot right there in front of the door. But a law is a law. They put those signs there for a reason. NO PARKING FIRE ZONE means don't park there! You are not excluded because you drive a fancy Mercedes or BMW. Park the damn car and walk! It's good for you anyway.

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