Monday, April 20, 2009

Too much information

OK, so everyone i know is on Facebook. I joined the party late but it has been fun. I am in touch with people I have not spoken to in 15 years. It has been great fun seeing the kids I graduated high school with turn into parents or have awesome careers or both! Some people still look the same and others I would not recognize even if I tripped over them on the street.
But there is one thing about Facebook that is really starting to annoy me. You know the status part of your profile? Some people just share way too much. Or tell me the most ridiculous things. One of my Facebook "friends" updated her status to read that she was 1 centimeter dilated and she was going to the hospital to be induced for labor. Like I really need to know this? I mean, it is very exciting that she is going to have a baby but is it really necessary to 1)update your Facebook status at this time and 2)let your 125 "friends" know about how much your cervix is dilated? PLEASE! Another "friend" was updating his status as his wife was in labor. I know there can be time to kill but come on already. Have we really reached a point in today's society that people can't turn off the computer or Blackberry and forget about Facebook to enjoy and focus on the impending delivery of your child?
Quite frequently there are people who do have something interesting to share. I have been known to write stupid stuff in my staus box. Now, if I don't have anything interesting to say, i just leave it blank. I really don't think my "friends" need to know that I am currently making dinner. But I am not really, am I? I am updating my Facebook status or writing in this blog.
And yes, blogging is another way to share a lot of information. Anyone you know or even don't know can tune into whatever you are doing on a daily, hourly or minute by minute basis. Why do we feel the need to share absolutely everything about our lives? I talk to my friends pretty regularly but they still don't know everything. I have a friend who emails pictures and updates about what her kids are doing everyday. What they did over the weekend. What they did last night. It is great to share news about your kids. I love to know what is new and exciting. But I don't feel the need to share every last detail with everyone in my address book.
The Internet has opened many doors and windows into people's lives. And we just can't help ourselves but to share with the rest of the world. Some share more than others. And for those of you that really need to share the explicit details... send an email.

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